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Super Easy Outdoor Chalk Game


This super easy chalk game will get your kiddos outside and counting! So much fun!

On Saturday afternoon our neighbors texted to invite us to a small summer party they were throwing.

So we ditched nap and quiet time and joined the fun!

Someone set out a giant bucket of chalk and, I don’t know about you, but I CANNOT RESIST A GIANT BUCKET OF CHALK.

I remembered seeing this little game on Pinterest many moons ago and thought it would be a good one to try.

The kids had a blast and it was so simple to put together.

chalk gameSimply draw 6 numbered boxes.

Then instruct the kids to go find items to fill each box – enough items to correspond with the number in the box.

For example…

chalk game 11 piece of chalk.

chalk game 22 flip flops.

chalk game 33 pretzels.

chalk game 44 Badminton rackets (and by the way, did you know it was BadMINTon?  I always thought it was BadMITTON. #thanksgoogle).

chalk game 55 hula hoops.

chalk game 66 bubble bottles.

IMG_2467Isn’t this fun?  And the kids had the added challenge of it being an extremely windy day so they had to find items that wouldn’t blow away.

I thought they did great and the final result captured the essence of summer quite nicely!

And here’s one other thing that captured the essence of summer nicely, as well.

summerHappy Chalk Game-ing! 🙂

The post Super Easy Outdoor Chalk Game appeared first on Happy Home Fairy.

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