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My Favorite Books for Summer Reading


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Summertime is when I get a little more space to indulge my passion for reading, so I have been hungrily devouring any book/magazine/back-of-the-cereal-box I can get my hands on!

I just reread Francine River’s book called The Scarlet Thread (so good) and then today, after digging through some boxes of my old chapter books from childhood, I pulled out The Witch of Blackbird Pond and started that.  So random – but good writing.  Plus it is making me all nostalgic for my 4th grade year when I had the raddest pair of rainbow eyeglasses and wore my hair in side pony tails every day.

Here is a resource featuring some of my favorite books I have read in case you need a little inspiration for your summer reading list!

Stepping Heavenward by Mrs. E. Prentiss

One of my all-time favorites.  This book is a peek into one woman’s diary and it documents her journey of faith and growth in the Lord.  While written many years ago, this book addresses issues of motherhood and marriage that many of us encounter today.  It is by far one of the most personally-shaping books I have ever read.  Maybe because I am a really nosy person and I like reading people’s diaries. 🙂

At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

This is probably my favorites series of fiction books EVER.  Don’t tell my hubby, but I have a huge crush on Father Tim.  And I want to be Cynthia when I grow up.  I learn so much about walking with God in these comforting, light-hearted stories about ordinary people living their lives.  (And pssst — if you are already a Mitford fan, there is a NEW book coming out in SEPTEMBER!  I am freaking out.)

Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet by Sara Hagerty

Sara Hagerty is a gifted writer.  This book is about the author’s struggle with infertility and how the Lord was with her through every step of her pain.  In every grief-filled loss and every unexpected circumstance, the evidence of the Lord’s hand on Sara’s story is so encouraging.  Since Mr. B. and I have walked the road of infertility before our firstborn, and now, seemingly, again, this book reminds me Who is always working behind the scenes in every event of our lives, calling us to draw closer to Him through trust and adoration.

Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman

This book has such an important message for people like me who struggle with never feeling enough in this great big world filled with lots and lots of messages about doing and doing and being/looking/doing perfectly.  I love the invitation the author gives to stop trying to build a life for ourselves, and instead receive the life Christ is building in us each day.  REFRESHMENT for the soul!

You’re Loved No Matter What by Holley Gerth

Here is another book that is very healing and freeing for the soul wrapped up in perfectionism and striving.  Lots of good wisdom and encouragement here to live fully instead of wallowing in failure.

 None Like Him by Jen Wilkin

This book opened my eyes to Who God Is.  Here is the Amazon synopsis that says it so much better than I ever could, “We were never meant to be God. But at the root of every sin is our rebellious desire to possess attributes that belong to God alone. Calling us to embrace our limits as a means of glorifying God’s limitless power, Jen Wilkin invites us to celebrate the freedom that comes when we rest in letting God be God.”  BOOM.  Buy it and be changed.

The Antelope in the Living Room by Melanie Shankle

This book is about marriage and will make you laugh so hard you might pee a little.  I am not speaking from experience (ahem).

A Fierce Love by Shauna Shanks

This book is also about marriage.  I started following Shauna’s blog a while back and really liked the way she shared her faith.  She recently announced that her husband had an affair several years ago and then released a book about how God walked her through that season and saved her marriage.  I was so curious how a woman can be obedient to love after betrayal, and I have been blown away by the grace and strength God can give if we let Him!

In a Sun-Scorched Land by Jennifer Ebenhack

This book is written by a dear friend of mine and let me tell you – I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN.  I read the entire book when we were road-tripping to Tennessee a few summers ago and it is probably the most compelling, well-written, incredible story I have ever read of an American woman’s life in Haiti and the process of adoption and deliverance.  And the entire story is TRUE.  It will blow your mind and make you fall in love with Jesus all over again.

It’s Not Fair by Melanie Dale

Finally, this book by Melanie Dale is a peek into living well when life disappoints.  The author is very wise and very funny – she takes a very difficult subject and makes it comforting and inspiring.  You might be disappointed about some things in your life, but reading this book will not be one of them. 😉

Let me know which books you choose!



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