Scott Sampson wrote in the book, “How to Raise a Wild Child” >>
By all reports, the children thrive outdoors.
As a mom of 3 boys and as a Preschool Director, I could not agree more!
Part of helping kids develop best is giving them plenty of opportunity to roam and run freely! To climb and cartwheel! To dig in the dirt and – as much as this keeper of the house hates to say – get messy! When given ample time for unstructured outdoor play, children thrive physically, emotionally, socially, creatively and academically. I’ll take a layer of dirt all over everything in my house for those results.
While my boys simply love to climb trees and roll around in the grass (and truly, that is ALL kids need!), there are several outdoor toys that they love.
Today I wanted to share a few of their favorite outdoor toys with you in case your little ones need some inspiration to get outside!
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Slackline for Kids
Our backyard has a slope, so we have never been able to get an actual swing set for the boys. However, we found this amazing slackline! We hung it between two trees and the boys have all the benefits of a swing set and more!
Basketball Hoop
I think Noah would say this is his ride or die of outdoor toys. He loves basketball and plays with this hoop almost every single day. I will never forget when we got it for him for Christmas 5 years ago. Ryan and I were putting it together the night before until about 4:00 am. We were delirious by the time it was done but felt we had passed through a right of passage in parenthood that requires at least one Christmas Eve all-nighter.
Mini Trampoline
We tried to have a big trampoline once, but it ruined our grass and both grandmas were too nervous about potential trampoline injuries, so we downsized to this one! It is perfect!
Hanging Chair Tent Swing
This was Jethro’s big Christmas gift this year. He loves swinging and he loves reading. I imagined him curling up in this tent with a good book and getting lost for a bit. We ended up hanging it to the slackline (see above).
Mobo Triton Pedal Go Kart Trike
Noah turned 12 this month and one of items he wanted was a bike like this! The link above is more expensive than the grandparents paid for it. My Mother-in-Love found it for a steal on Kohl’s! Noah has had the best time riding this!
You can find a less expensive version for kids ages 3-5 HERE.
Razor Scooter
Scooters have been the boys’ choice mode of transportation outside for many years. They prefer these over bikes most days!
We also have THIS electric version that is really fun at night time.
Is it even summer without a sprinkler? I have the best memories from my childhood running through one on the front lawn!
Water Table
My mom got Zion an older version of this water table. He is always wandering outside to play with it! We fill and refill it over and over. I am always finding the little included toys all over the yard.
Little Tikes Slam ‘n Curve Slide
We bought this for the boys several years ago and, while it is a bit of a commitment to clean and care for, it was one of the best investments we have ever made! The boys logged so many hours on this thing!
Bubble Machine
I mentioned this in my Top Amazon Purchases. It is definitely a beloved item around here by Mr. Zion. It does a great job creating a magical bubble land!
Step2 Ride-On Toy
The grandparents got this for Zion for Christmas this year. Every day he asks to go out for a drive in his red car. It’s a pretty sweet ride and we have had a great deal of adventures with it!
This is a really fun list of tools, BUT…
I feel the need to say this again – kids do not need anything outside but their imaginations! In fact, I think letting kids learn to be bored is one of the best catalysts for becoming great thinkers and creators.
Plus, we all need to learn how to be still – how to notice the way the wind rustles the trees and how the sun makes a raindrop on a leaf sparkle – and then let our hearts turn in adoration to the One who made it all.
What do your kids like to do outside?
“The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what his hands have made.” Psalm 19:1
The post Favorite Outdoor Toys for Summer appeared first on Happy Home Fairy.